Enroll in Outage Texting for Easy Outage Reporting

Posted on Jan 28, 2018 at 12:00 AM

Our outage texting program gives you a quick and easy way to notify Tri-County EMC when your power goes out. Just set up your account using the steps below and text OUT to 85700 if your power goes out. 

Step 1: Make sure your cellphone number is listed on your account.
This system uses your cellphone to identify the location of the outage. You can use the member portal on www.tri-countyemc.com to update your contact information or call us at 1.866.254.8100.

Step 2: Send textTCEMC to 85700.
Sending “textTCEMC” to phone number 85700 will enroll your account in the outage texting service. Allow 24 hours between Step 1 and Step 2. 

Step 3: Save 85700 in your phone as “Tri-County EMC Outage”.
During the next power outage, text OUT to 85700 to report your outage. 

Once enrolled, the below words can be used to communicate with Tri-County EMC via text.

OUT: Text OUT to 85700 to let us know your power is out. You will be asked to verify the location of the outage. 

STATUS: Send STATUS to 85700 after you have reported an outage to get updated information on outage restoration.

HELP: Sending HELP to 85700 will generate an auto-reply with information on technical assitance using the texting system.

STOP: To discontinue messages from the textTCEMC system, simply send STOP to 85700. 

Click here for more information.

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  • outage texting