Happy New Year!

Posted on Jan 01, 2024 at 12:00 AM

With a new year ahead of us, we reflect on past achievements but also look forward to how we may serve you even better. We were grateful to recently receive the Business of the Year award from the Eatonton-Putnam Chamber of Commerce. The award was made possible because of the excellent team of EMC employees serving you. That team continues to stand ready to provide you with exceptional service in 2024.

Planning is a continuous and ongoing process at your EMC. This year we are looking forward to the addition/completion of a new Lake Oconee substation that is anticipated to be in service by December 2024. This infrastructure enhancement will provide us with the necessary capacity to further strengthen our system’s reliability in bringing electricity to your home and/or business.

I encourage each of you to reach out to our fiber subsidiary, Tri-CoGo, for the best internet experience available. This service is making a positive difference in the communities we serve. Join the thousands of satisfied customers already receiving the internet service. You may reach a Tri-CoGo representative by calling 844-662-7569.

Your board and staff will strive to stay ahead of the evolving energy landscape as we enter this new year. Contact us if you have any questions or constructive feedback. Our desire is to provide you with the very best member experience. (96662001)

Blessings to you and your family!

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  • emc
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