Happy New Year - Message from Board Chair

Posted on Jan 04, 2021 at 12:00 AM

Happy New Year!

A Message from Tri-County EMC Chairman, Brenda P. Green

As the pandemic continues, the safety of our employees and members is at the top of our list. We will continue to take all precautions necessary to keep everyone safe while continuing to provide reliable service.

The New Year brings a new administration in the White House and newly elected officials at federal, state, and local levels. We will strive to maintain strong relationships with our elected officials and key governmental agencies to continue to provide you affordable, safe and reliable service. We encourage you to stay engaged, as well. 

While many things slowed down with the pandemic, the electric industry continued to evolve at a rapid pace. Technology continues to progress, both for the EMC and our members. Energy efficient solutions continue to grow inside the home and electric vehicles become more viable every year. We value the trust you place in us as energy experts and we encourage you to take advantage of the tools and solutions we provide. 

We continue to explore bringing internet solutions for our members. We have now completed a feasibility study and a survey of our membership. The feedback you provided was very beneficial in understanding the broadband challenges in our community and the areas with the greatest need. We are in the final stages of our decision-making process and hope to announce a decision within the next 60 days. 

I expect a busy, challenging and exciting year. With challenges come opportunities. The cooperative principles and the best interests of our membership will continue to guide everything we do. Whatever the future brings, Tri-County EMC’s team stands ready to serve you.    

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