Local Couple Attends Co-op Couples Conference
Posted on Sep 01, 2015 at 12:00 AM
In August, Joey and Tabitha Brown of Jones County represented Tri-County EMC at the Cooperative Couples Conference in Hiawassee, Georgia. During the conference, the Browns networked with cooperative leaders from Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. They learned about the economic and service benefits of cooperatives and how coops differ from other corporations. They were also able to exchange ideas with other couples from around the state.
“Working at Tri-County, I knew about electric co-ops, but it was interesting to get a different perspective by talking to people in other co-op businesses," said Joey Brown. "We enjoyed hearing speakers from many different cooperatives.”
The Cooperative Couples Conference is held each July. Click here to learn more about the Cooperative Couples Conference.
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