Nominating Committee Results

Posted on Jun 08, 2022 at 12:00 AM

The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to nominate qualified director candidates residing in the district that has a director vacancy. In addition to nominating members themselves, they can also accept nominations from members outside the committee that would like to run for a director position. The 2022 Nominating Committee, and the results of the Nominating Committee meeting held June 7, 2022, are included the below. Those interested in running for a director seat had the option of contacting one of the Nominating Committee Members or Tri-County EMC at 478.986.8100 by June 1, 2022. If you were not selected by the Nominating Committee but would still like to be included on the ballot, you can do so by submitting a petition with 50 member signatures at least 90 days prior to the 2022 Annual Meeting. More information on this is included in our bylaws

Jones & Bibb
Emory Crumbley
Brent Miller
Laura Hardwick

Putnam, Jasper & Morgan
Carol Guthrie
Ken Farr
Joe Swift

Baldwin, Wilkinson & Twiggs
Chauncey Keaton
Jack Brock
Kevin Pope

Nominating Committee Meeting Results: Cecil Patterson (District 1, Post 3), Mike Rainey (District 2, Post 3) and Marion Nelson (District 3, Post 3) were all nominated. Their names will appear on the ballot as incumbents in the 2022 Tri-County EMC Director's Election. 

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