Operation Roundup Grant Applications Due December 1

Posted on Nov 02, 2018 at 12:00 AM

About Operation Roundup:
Operation Roundup is funded by voluntary contributions from Tri-County members to the Tri-County EMC Foundation. Participants in the program have their monthly bill rounded up to the next dollar, with that surplus amount going to fund Operation Roundup. Any non-profit, civic, religious or government organization located within Tri-County’s eight county service area are eligible to receive funding. Applications must be for special needs or projects. Applications can be found on our website at www.tri-countyemc.com/operation-round-up.cms or mailed upon request by calling 478.986.8126.

Interested in Applying for a Grant?:
Do you know of a non-profit group needing funding for a specific project in the Tri-County EMC service area? Encourage them to complete an Operation Roundup Grant Application. The next deadline to apply for an Operation Roundup Grant is December 1.

Applications must be for a special project or need. Donations will not be made to an organization’s general budget.
Project must be located within a county that Tri-County EMC serves (Baldwin, Putnam, Jones, Bibb, Jasper, Morgan Twiggs or Wilkinson County)
Organizations must be a non-profit, civic, religious or government organization

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