Scholarships Available

Posted on Jan 31, 2017 at 12:00 AM

As part of Tri-County EMC’s commitment to our local community, each year we offer a number of leadership and scholarship opportunities to area youth. Applications for the following scholarships are due on April 15, 2017.  For more information on the scholarships below, visit or contact Kim Broun at 478.986.8126 or

Operation Roundup Scholarship

In addition to funding community grants, the Tri-County EMC Foundation offers scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students (with preference given to non-traditional students), to help pay their college costs. Through Operation Roundup, a total of $4,000 is awarded annually to students residing in the homes of Tri-County EMC members. The applicant must be enrolled in any U.S. accredited college or university and have maintained at least a 2.0 average. 

Applications are available by mail upon request or may be downloaded at Applications are due April 15 and October 15 of each year. 

Cooperative Scholarship

Each spring, Tri-County EMC awards three $2,000 Cooperative scholarships to students residing within the cooperative’s service area. One scholarship is awarded in each of the three Tri-County board districts. Applications are judged by an outside panel of education professionals based equally on academics, financial need and community involvement. High school seniors and nontraditional undergraduate students are eligible to apply. Students must have a permanent address in the Tri-County EMC service area to apply. 

Applications are available by mail upon request or may be downloaded or completed online on the cooperative’s website at

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