Tri-County EMC Foundation Grants $11,188 in March 2017

Posted on Mar 15, 2017 at 12:00 AM

In March 2017, the Tri-County EMC Foundation Board approved 7 grant projects, totaling $11,188 in Operation Roundup funds, to benefit organizations or individuals in local communities. The organizations that received funds this quarter are:

  • Cub Scout Pack 34: $600 to go towards scout dues and materials for a group in Putnam County.
  • Eatonton Putnam Arts Foundation: $1,000 to go towards the purchase of tables and chairs to be used during community art classes in Putnam County.
  • First Presbyterian Church: $1,500 to purchase food for the First Presbyterian Church Food Pantry in Baldwin County.
  • Jones County Public Library: $1,000 to purchase books for the library’s summer reading program.
  • Lake Oconee FCA: $1,000 to be used for partial scholarships for lower income students to attend a summer leadership training camp.
  • Milledgeville First United Methodist Church: $2,700 to purchase materials to construct six wheelchair ramps in Baldwin County during the River of Life mission project.
  • The Artisans Village: $1,138 to purchase paint for local artists to paint a mural celebrating the cultural heritage of Putnam County on buildings in downtown Eatonton.
  • Putnam Christian Outreach: $2,250 to send 30 students and young professionals to LeaderCast – a leadership development seminar.

Operation Roundup is funded by the voluntary contributions to Tri-County EMC members to the Tri-County EMC Foundation. Participants in the program have their monthly bill rounded up to the next dollar, with that surplus amount going to fund Operation Roundup. Any individual wishing to make a tax-deductible donation to the foundation may contact Kim Broun at 478.986.8126 or make a check payable to: Tri-County EMC Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 487, Gray, GA 31032.

Any non-profit, civic, religious or government organization located within Tri-County’s eight county service area are eligible to receive funding. Applications must be for special needs or projects. No applications for contributions to an organization’s general funds will be accepted. Applications may be downloaded from or mailed upon request by calling 478.986.8126.


Operation Roundup March 2017

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  • Grants