Tri-County EMC Presents Cooperative Spirit Sportsmanship Award to Jones County High School

Posted on Sep 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM

Last Friday, Tri-County EMC presented Jones County High School with the Cooperative Spirit Sportsmanship Award, sponsored by Tri-County and 23 other participating Georgia electric membership cooperatives. This awards program honors schools that exhibit exemplary sportsmanship during competitive events and is sponsored by Georgia’s Electric Membership Corporations.

Introduced in 2006, the Cooperative Spirit Sportsmanship Award program reinforces GHSA’s philosophy which states: “Student athletes, coaches, spectators, and all others associated with high school activity programs should adhere to the fundamental values of respect, fairness, honesty and responsibility.”

“Students learn about sportsmanship from the adults in their lives, especially their parents and coaches,” said Greg Mullis, Senior Vice President of Energy Services at Tri-County EMC. Through these role models they learn sports are not just about athleticism and competition, but also about teamwork and cooperation in daily life.”

Only one school in each division within each region is chosen to receive this annual award. The GHSA takes into consideration all aspects of sportsmanship during events—student athletes on the field as well as fellow students, school staff, parents and game spectators, making the award a tribute to the entire community.

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