Happy New Year - A Message from Chairman Brenda Green
Posted on Dec 27, 2024 at 8:56 AM
Your EMC looks forward to serving you in 2025. We will continue to be community-minded and member-focused. Our goal is to always provide exceptional service in every part of our business.
Tri-CoGo is making a big difference in our communities by providing the best internet experience available. If you are not already subscribed, I encourage you to sign up and experience world-class broadband powered by your EMC. Over 9,000 satisfied customers will tell you how great it is!
Growth is happening everywhere. As we look to the future, we realize our existing office and service facilities in Putnam County must grow, too. Tri-County recently purchased a parcel of land to construct a new district office and operations facility to accommodate both the EMC and Tri-CoGo. The new facilities will allow us to more efficiently serve our members.
What happens in Washington D.C. ultimately filters down to the local level and impacts your power bill. We will be working with our industry allies to promote sensible rules and regulations that will protect reliability at an affordable cost.
Finally, I want to wish all our members a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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