Happy New Year: A Message from Your Chairman

Posted on Dec 30, 2022 at 12:00 AM

With the goal of providing safe and reliable power at the forefront of our EMC, our crews will continue to stand ready for any potential severe weather outages in 2023. We appreciate your continued support of our linemen, and your patience with our personnel when those outages occur.

Like many industries across the country, electrical co-ops are not immune to the impacts that stem from inflation. Tri-County EMC is facing the same challenges of material shortages, longer lead times and higher prices for supplies and components, and rising interest rates. In addition, higher wholesale power costs are impacting our member’s rates. Planning ahead is now more important than ever and despite the challenges we face in the new year, our EMC will remain committed to service excellence and continue to strive for cost effectiveness.

On a more positive note, many of our members are now enjoying 100% fiber internet powered by Tri-County EMC. With over 3,000 connected customers, our fiber subsidiary, Tri-CoGo, will continue making strides to bridge the rural digital divide throughout our service territory. Members interested in receiving internet service can sign up on the website, tri-cogo.com.

Tri-County EMC is 100% member focused, meaning we are always looking for new and better ways to serve you. While electricity and internet are essential services that we provide, we hold great purpose in our commitment to invest in the communities we serve and encourage you to check tri-countyemc.com for opportunities related to scholarships, grants, leadership programs, and economic development.

I wish each of you a Safe and Happy New Year!

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  • new year
  • safety
  • fiber
  • 2023
  • industry