Rate Changes Beginning in April

Posted on Feb 28, 2017 at 12:00 AM

As mentioned in the January Current Lines, there will be a change in rates on your April bill statement. Following a 2016 study, the Tri-County EMC board of directors determined that in order to cover costs to serve each rate class and to continue delivering electricity at the lowest cost, changes must be made to the current rates. 

“At Tri-County, we are committed to delivering electricity to you at the lowest possible cost and ensuring that rates are set fairly among different rate schedules,” commented Ray Grinberg, the cooperative’s chief executive officer. “It is our philosophy that our rates should be set accordingly to cover costs and that one rate class shouldn’t subsidize another.”

If you are a residential or commercial (general service) customer, there is a change in how the first 20 kWhs of usage is billed. Right now, those first 20 kWhs are included in your minimum bill charge.  Beginning in April, you will be charged for those 20 kWhs at the applicable rate for your rate class. For most accounts, this change will result in an increase of about $2 per month. 

General Service Demand Rate (GSD) customers will also see an increase in the minimum bill from $35 to $62 per month. Like the residential and other commercial rates, the first 20 kWhs will also no longer be included in this minimum bill charge. (28381001)

Tri-County members are encouraged to review the detailed rate schedules, which are available at www.tri-countyemc.com/home-rates.cms and www.tri-countyemc.com/business-rates.cms.

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